Studime & Publikime
Analiza e Tregut te Pasurive te Paluajtshme
Eshte nje studim i kryer mbi te dhenat e Agjensise 1st Real Estate - Immobiliari e cila ka si per qellim tju vije ne ndihme Institcioneve Financiare Kredidhenese, Vleresuesve te Pasurise se Paluajtshme si dhe Individeve te cilet duan te perllogarisin vleren e prones qe zoterojne ose duan te blejne.
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Multi-Unit Apartment Buildings in Albania
Prepared for: Conference on "Real Estate Research in Central East and Southeast Europe" 15th and 16th of January 2004 Vienna, Austria. By J. David Stanfield and Artan Dervishi, with Romeo Sherko. Terra Institute, Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin
Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison
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A real estate lesson from thousands of miles away (real estate brokerage in Albania)
It's a long day at the office for Artan Dervishi, a 35-year-old native of Tirane, Albania, who until three years ago was the manager of the Tirane opera house. In 1992 he established Immobiliari Agency Tirane, one of the few real estate companies in the country's capital and largest city. Dervishi's company,
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Immovable Property Markets in Metropolitan Tirana, Albania
Author: David Stanfield, Malcolm Childress, and Artan Dervishi. This paper is an output of the Land Market Action Plan in Albania, implemented by the Project Management Unit of the Immovable Property Registration System and the Coordinative Working Group (Tirana, Albania), with support from the Government of Albania
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By: David Stanfield, Malcolm Childress, Artan Dervishi, and Llazar Korra. Real estate markets function when people "own" land and buildings attached to the land. Private ownership based on law and defended by the State includes the notion that owners have the right to engage in real estate transactions.
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